Daily 8AM to 5PM
(You can show up at or anytime after 8 AM)
For those under age 18, see our age requirements for booking, drivers & riders.
NEW FOR SNOWMOBILE SEASON - Check out our Bed & Sled Packages
IMPORTANT: When adding multiple items to your cart, we recommend opening our Cart Navigation Tips for Beginner Riders in a new tab to help guide you through an easy checkout process.
The cart tips page also includes a quick reminder of which winter gear items we recommend for beginners. A full explanation of those items can be found below.
After booking your snowmobiles, be sure to read through our Rental Procedures and Snowmobile Damage Waiver found below.
For the type of snowmobiling that inexperienced riders do, you won’t need all the gear we offer, but here’s our list of recommended essentials:
We’re the only shop in town to offer Bibs and Jackets instead of the typical one-piece onesie. This combination keeps you warmer and is especially beneficial for the ladies when “nature calls.” (Imagine having to fully unzip a onesie when it’s between 0 and 20 degrees outside. Brrrr… even the toughest men wouldn’t want to do that.)
We’re also the only place in town to offer full face helmets which feature a double face shield to help prevent fogging. They also keep you warmer by blocking the wind. And we have HEATED HELMETS. Riding snowmobiles doesn't get anymore comfortable than that!
See all the gear rental items we have available.
At Highmark, we believe if a person is old enough to serve their country, they’re old enough to book a rental. With that said, you must be 18 years old and have a credit card in order to book a rental.
If a parent or grandparent wants to allow their child/grandchild to drive a rental, we’re all for it. We believe the parent knows the child better than we do, and if you feel comfortable letting them drive a snowmobile, we have no issues. The machine is checked out to the parent, and they’re free to allow whoever they want to allow to drive it. Ultimately, the parent will be held responsible for the operators and any damage to the machine no matter who drives it.
There is no age limit on who can be a rider or passenger on a snowmobile.
Knowing what to expect and being prepared will help make your rental process a breeze.
Highmark Rentals Rental Procedures (pdf)
DownloadYou will E-Sign this during the checkout process.
HMR Snowmobile Waiver (pdf)
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